County Mayo is home to three Gaeltachts: Erris, Achill and Toormakeady. In these areas the local dialects of Irish-Gaelic are still spoken.

Mayo Irish is critically endangered! There are just over 80 speakers left on the Mullet peninsula. No children are being brought up in our local dialect. While the standard Gaeilge is being taught in schools it has never been spoken by anyone in County Mayo as a native language. This website is dedicated to helping anyone interested in learning and speaking our dialect. Let's not let this be the last generation of speakers. We need to breathe new life into the dialect or we will lose a unique part of County Mayo's heritage!
Use it or lose it
Mayo Irish is still in decline! Let's help preserve our beautiful dialect.
One of a kind
Other interesting dialects have been lost from the area, including that of Ballycroy, which was an Ulster dialect spoken by descendants of refugees from Tyrone during the plantations.
Why not learn the living language as it is still spoken?

This website is created by the people of the Mullet Gaeltacht for the people of the Mullet Gaeltacht. All Irish voices heard in the vocabulary section of this website are that of native speakers from the Mullet peninsula. We hope to expand to include other Mayo Gaeltachts in the future.
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