The Body
The body
A'choirp - The body
Colainn - body
Ceann – head
Cloigeann – head (slang)
Smig - chin
Ar mhullach a chinn - on top of his head
Éadán – face
Leiceann - cheek (of face)
Cluas – ear
Srón – nose
Smuga – snot
Baithis - forehead
Súil – eye Súilí - eyes
Malaí - eyebrow
Mallaíochaí - eyebrows
Deora – tear
Sream - morning sleep (in eyes)
Cab – mouth, facial hair
Cab féasóige - a full beard
Clab – open mouth
Béal – mouth
Liobar – blubber lip
Carbad - gums
Teangaí - tongue
Fiacail – tooth Fiaclaí - teeth
Starrfhiacail - sticky out tooth
Mant - gap between teeth
Tá na fiaclaí curthaí go maith aige - he's a bit long in the tooth
Nuair a bheadh fiaclaí a'cur as dóif' - when they'd be upset because they were teething
Gruaig – hair
Folt - hair
Cúl gruaig – head of hair
Ribe – single hair on head
Ribe gruaige - a single strand of hair
Tom féasóige - moustache
Féasóg – beard
Corraicín – topknot in hair, tuft of hair
Déantaí suas go hard ina ghogaide - (hair) done up high in a bun
Catach – curly
Bán – fair-haired
Rua – red hair
Búdaí – head louse
Muinéal – neck
Mui'théal – neck (slang)
Sprochaille - double chin
Scornach – throat
Craiceann - skin
Bricín – freckle
Allas – sweat
a'báitheadh allais - sweating buckets
Bhí báitheadh allais leis - he was sweating buckets
Cliabhrach - chest
Gualainn - shoulder Guailleachaí - shoulders
Bolg – belly
imleacán - belly button
Básta - waist
Blonag – soft fat, blubber
Scibheal – pot-belly
Lámh – hand, arm Lámhaí - hands, arms
Leathlámh - one hand, one handed
Ruithe - wrist
Uilea' - elbow
Méar - finger Méaraí - fingers
Laidhricín – little finger, pinkie
Méar láir - middle finger
Ordóg - thumb Ordógaí - thumbs
ionga - nail iongaí – nails
Mútóg - flipper, hand
Mútógaí - small broad hands
Ciotóg - left-handed
Deasóg - right handed
Bos - palm Bosaí - palms
Cos – leg, foot Cosaí - legs, feet
Spág – big wide foot
Glúin - knee Gliúiní – knees
Gorún – haunch
Coirbiongam - haunches
Colpa – calf (of leg)
Ordóg mhór - toe
Rúitín - ankle
Sálaí - heels
Ar bhunachaí na gcos - on the soles of the feet
Body fluids
Fuil - blood
Pislíní - saliva, spit
Smugairle - loose phlegm
Sile síaín – phlegm
Droim - back
Pluc - cheek (lower) Plucaí - cheeks
Geadán - buttock Gorúm - buttock
Ichinn - brain
Croí - heart
Goile - stomach
Ugan - liver
Scámhógaí - lungs
Stréigeachaí - intestines
Béideál - bladder
Píobán - windpipe
Matán - muscle
Gráileach - guts, innards
​Cnámh - bone
Blaosc - skull
Creatlach - skeleton
Bodily functions
Fail - hiccup
Mún - pee, urine
Déan do mhúin - go for a pee
Steall - piss (slang)
Bacach - a person with a disability
Bodhar – deaf
Bodhrán – a deaf person
Dall – blind
Balbh - mute
Liobasta - lisping
Scarthaidh – bow-legged
Strumpa bacach - somebody with a disibility they had from birth
Caonach – unwashed feet